
Peregrinatio for images

The Peregrinatio of the statue and the sword of the Archangel is increasingly taking on the connotations of a special event that mobilizes thousands of faithful and, above all, conveys the Michaelic message of fidelity to God against the assaults of evil.

Within a month the Prince’s statue visited two churches dedicated to San Michele of two large Apulian towns in the province of Bari: Ruvo di Puglia and Trani.

Enthusiastic and numerous participation also supported by an organization worthy of a patronal feast: a sign of the importance reserved and attributed to this particular moment that is an encounter between faith and devotion.

The days of the Peregrinatio, in fact, are characterized by Eucharistic celebrations, penitential liturgies, prayer vigils, processions: a sort of full immersion in which to rediscover the value and the sense of being Christians starting from veneration for the holy Angel.

The same bishops of the dioceses affected by this last pilgrimage, Mons. Domenico Cornacchia and Monsignor Leonardo D’Ascenzo, did not want to miss their presence and blessing.

Here are some pictures.

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