The Epiphany, or manifestation of the Lord, is the feast of the universality of faith: Jesus reveals himself to all men, because he came for all. Isaiah invites the Jewish people returning from exile to joy and hope. It is a passage that announces universal salvation. Even the pagans are…...
Feast of the Apparitions: music and images
Prayer, faith, song, participation: the novena, the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel and the Centenary of the Michelite Congregation. A story through images and music Click on the icon to watch the video! Music: “Hymn to St. Michael the Archangel”, Marco Frisina Photographic contributions: Leonardo Ciuffreda, Angelo Cotugno…...
From the House of Loreto to the Sanctuary of the Archangel
On February 18, on the occasion of the Lauretan Jubilee announced by Pope Francis, the City of Monte Sant’Angelo hosted the Peregrinatio of the sacred effigy of the Madonna of Loreto, one hundred years after her proclamation as patroness of aeronauts. The statue of the Virgin, “escorted” by the soldiers…...
The Madonna of Loreto at the Sanctuary
O On Thursday 18 February, on the occasion of the Lauretan Jubilee announced by Pope Francis, Monte Sant’Angelo will host the Peregrinatio of the sacred effigy of the Madonna of Loreto, one hundred years after her proclamation as patroness of aeronauts. The statue of the Virgin will be accompanied by…...
“Your Charles is in heaven”: The mother of Blessed Acutis at the sanctuary
In the afternoon of October 20, Antonia Salzano, mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis, arrived on pilgrimage to the sanctuary. A pilgrimage desired and accomplished to thank the Archangel, who always made her feel her presence and comfort, especially after Charles’ death. A few months after the death of her son,…...
The President of the CEI to St. Michael
On the morning of September 4th, in private form, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti also came to honor St. Michael. Welcomed by the rector, the President of the Italian bishops visited the places, full of spirituality and history, of the sanctuary, then pausing in front of the effigy of the Archangel: here…...