The liturgical feast of May commemorates the apparitions of San Michele to the Bishop Lorenzo Maiorano who gave birth to the millenary history of the cult of the Archangel and of his sanctuary on the Gargano. It was May 8, 490, in fact, when the Messenger of God manifested himself…...
“Believing without seeing”: the thought of Sunday
The liturgy of the Second Sunday of Easter effectively shows us that only community life educates to the courage of witness; vice versa, individual isolation generates doubts. Being together, sharing hopes and choices, helps to overcome uncertainties and torments and produces hope and faith: an isolated and restless interrogation can…...
Inno in onore di San Michele Arcangelo
E’ il canto più noto e classico tra quelli dedicati e rivolti all’Arcangelo. Nato come patrimonio devozionale dei pellegrini di Bitetto (Ba), l’inno ha un testo poetico fisso di natura popolare accompagnato da svariati arrangiamenti musicali. Quella che vi presentiamo è la versione cantata in Basilca e divenuta Inno ufficiale in onore di…...