
The September Feast: a “story” in images

The first post-pandemic patronal feast proved to be full of contents, meanings, prayers, cultural events and, above all, faith and devotion. Once the anti-contagion restrictions ceased, many faithful returned to the feet of the Archangel to invoke his intercession with God and to thank him for his presence and his…...

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Easter Triduum: images

The Easter Triduum is the center of the liturgical year, the heart of the celebration of the mysteries of faith: a theological and liturgical compendium in which the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus are present. In the Coena Domini of Holy Thursday the institution of the Eucharist was commemorated…...

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Feast of Blessed Bronislao: images

At the end of the novena of study and preparation for the liturgical feast, on January 30 the Congregations of St. Michael the Archangel commemorated their “father”, Bronislao Markiewicz: a Polish priest, he lavished his entire life in the pastoral service of the poor, the marginalized and above all, of…...

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“Baptism of the Lord”: images

On 5 January a particular celebration took place in the Basilica, popularly called the “Baptism of the Lord”. It is a rite that has its roots in the Christian East: in the first centuries, in fact, the day of the Epiphany was not commemorated the arrival of the Magi, but…...

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Epiphany of the Lord

The Epiphany, or manifestation of the Lord, is the feast of the universality of faith: Jesus reveals himself to all men, because he came for all. Isaiah invites the Jewish people returning from exile to joy and hope. It is a passage that announces universal salvation. Even the pagans are…...

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“Opening up to a synodal Church”

Sunday 2 January, Msgr. Franco Moscone went up to the Mountain of the Archangel and celebrated the Divine Mysteries in the Sacred Grotto: “I am happy to be able to live part of this day here in Monte Sant’Angelo, in this sanctuary so beautiful and loved by Christianity and by…...

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Day for priests: images

On June 18, after the forced break – due to a pandemic – last year, the priests of Manfredonia – Vieste – San Giovanni Rotondo went up again to Monte dell’Arcangelo to celebrate the Day for the Sanctification of Priests. For the diocesan clergy this is a truly important and…...

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Feast of the Apparitions: music and images

Prayer, faith, song, participation: the novena, the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel and the Centenary of the Michelite Congregation. A story through images and music Click on the icon to watch the video!   Music: “Hymn to St. Michael the Archangel”, Marco Frisina Photographic contributions: Leonardo Ciuffreda, Angelo Cotugno…...

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From the House of Loreto to the Sanctuary of the Archangel

On February 18, on the occasion of the Lauretan Jubilee announced by Pope Francis, the City of Monte Sant’Angelo hosted the Peregrinatio of the sacred effigy of the Madonna of Loreto, one hundred years after her proclamation as patroness of aeronauts. The statue of the Virgin, “escorted” by the soldiers…...

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The Madonna of Loreto at the Sanctuary

O On Thursday 18 February, on the occasion of the Lauretan Jubilee announced by Pope Francis, Monte Sant’Angelo will host the Peregrinatio of the sacred effigy of the Madonna of Loreto, one hundred years after her proclamation as patroness of aeronauts. The statue of the Virgin will be accompanied by…...

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