Home notizie

Chapel of relics: open again to the faithful

At the end of the Angevin nave, next to the Baroque altar of San Giuseppe, preceded by a narrow threshold closed by a bronze door, stands the Chapel of the relics, also called “of the Holy Cross”. Originally this room was used as a sacristy, but during the 18th century…...

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Temporary limitation of streaming

Dear friends of the Shrine and assiduous participants in the liturgies broadcast from the Sacred Grotto of the Archangel, you will certainly have noticed the frequent disservices, which have become absence, of our broadcasts in recent weeks: they are due to problems related to the internet network and the image…...

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In honor of the Founder: the images

The novena in preparation for the Feast of Bronislao Markiewicz took place from 21 to 29 January. The Polish priest, contemporary and friend of Don Bosco, founded the Congregation in 1902 which, placed under the protection of the Archangel Michael and inspired by the principles of temperance and work, today…...

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Monte Sant’Angelo and Mont Saint-Michel

Wonders is the title of the program, curated by Alberto Angelo and broadcast on Rai 1, dedicated to the extraordinary beauties of art and nature present in our “Peninsula of treasures”. This itinerary, which crosses the sites recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, touched, in the episode of 28…...

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An intercontinental twinning

A special twinning was celebrated on 21 October: the Basilica of São Miguel Arcanjo, in Brazil, dedicated to the powerful Archangel, was linked to the Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo, founder of the Michaelic cult in the Christian West. The history of the city located in the state of São Paulo…...

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An ancient and new volume on the Bronze Doors

At the end of the dense religious and cultural program dedicated to the Archangel in the days of his September Feast, the volume “The bronze door of the Royal Palatine Basilica of S. Michele in Monte was presented on 8 October in the Auditorium of the Sanctuary. Sant’Angelo “. The…...

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The September Feast: a “story” in images

The first post-pandemic patronal feast proved to be full of contents, meanings, prayers, cultural events and, above all, faith and devotion. Once the anti-contagion restrictions ceased, many faithful returned to the feet of the Archangel to invoke his intercession with God and to thank him for his presence and his…...

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“Libera nos”: the docufilm presented

On 2 October the docufilm “Libera nos. The triumph of evil” was presented and screened in the Beato Bronislao Markiewicz Auditorium. The feature film, produced and directed by Giovanni Ziberna and Valeria Baldan, tries to answer questions such as “Who is the devil?”, “How does he act?”, “What are the…...

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“The Armor of God”: the painting exhibition

On Sunday 25 September the exhibition “Armor of God” was inaugurated in the Atrium in front of the Chapel of Reconciliation. The works, created by the artist Clara De Francesco, are inspired by the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, chapter 6. A special importance was dedicated to colors:…...

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Two books on the Archangel Michael

The program of the novena in preparation for the September Feast of San Michele is also substantiated by cultural events, aimed at deepening and further spreading the knowledge and message of the Archangel. An important event was the presentation of the two books “The Virtuous Archangel” and “Pilgrim among the…...

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