“When the time comes to unite with the supreme hour of the Lord’s passion, the consecrated person knows that the Father is now bringing to completion that mysterious process of formation begun some time ago. Death will then be expected and prepared as the supreme act of love and self-surrender…...
Father of the night
A program of cultural and artistic events linked to the history of the Micelic cult and of the City of Monte Sant’Angelo itself has been added to the program of religious and spiritual celebrations before the Feast of the Apparitions. In synergy with the city administration and other local authorities,…...
From Provence to the Gargano
On the feast day in which the Church celebrates the evangelist Mark and the Italian State commemorates the liberation from Nazifascism, numerous pilgrims have come to the Shrine: families, parish groups, “companies”, coming from local, regional, national and abroad, they gathered in the shadow of the Archangel to celebrate the…...
Love to the end
The liturgy of Holy Thursday is a splendid compendium of theology, symbolism and catechesis that “explains” the essence and meaning of being Christian. The solemn celebration was presided over by Fr. Ladislao Suchy. Faced with the numerous faithful present and alongside the concelebrating confreres, the Rector of the Shrine presented…...
The cross, trust in Jesus
Good Friday recounts the passion, the crucifixion and the death of Jesus Christ: an extreme and total demonstration of God’s love for man. Many liturgical signs characterize this day of “extraordinary folly of love”: the church stripped of ornaments, the red color of the vestments, the silence of musical instruments,…...