Ā Ā Ā +39 0884561150
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“Merciful Love”: Sunday thought

The Fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as “Laetare” Sunday, contains the invitation to joy in Christ, who is about to renew everyone’s life, and in God the Father, merciful beyond all limits. The parable of the merciful Father manifests the great love of God the Father who has an…...

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Goodbye, Father William!

We announce with deep emotion the premature passing of dear Father William Kachingwe, who died suddenly this morning at the hospital in Lusaka (Zambia). May the Archangel Michael welcome him to Heaven and present him to the Throne of God. From the Shrine where he exercised his priestly ministry for…...

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Police Jubilee: the images

As part of the functions that will mark the Holy Year at the Sanctuary of San Michele on February 20, the State Police celebrated its Jubilee: a propitious occasion to fully experience the grace of this time and, at the same time, to entrust its mission and service to the…...

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To live the Jubilee well

ā€œJubileeā€ is the name of a particular year: most likely this denomination originates from the instrument used to indicate its beginning, namely the yobel, the ramā€™s horn, whose sound announced the Day of Atonement. In the Bible we read that it had to be convened every 50 years, since it…...

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Merry Christmas

“Where God is born, hope is born: He brings hope. Where God is born, peace is born. And where peace is born, there is no longer room for hatred and war” (Pope Francis).   The Communities of the Sisters and Fathers of the Michaelites offer to every devotee of the…...

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Jubilee inaugurated

In the Editorial of Michael 195, the Rector writes: Ā«The ancient Sanctuary of San Michele, a place steeped in spirituality and history, has attracted faithful and pilgrims from all over the world for centuries. Since the beginning of its existence, within its thousand-year-old walls the meaning of the Jubilee has…...

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The Feast of Apparitions: meanings, events, images

The spiritual journey of preparation for theĀ Feast of the Apparitions of St. Michael began on April 29th. One of the specific functions of the Archangel is to exhort men to constantly search for the Most High, the only true Good and the final goal of earthly pilgrimage: the novena, thus,…...

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Happy Easter with Maria

The solemnity of Easter it is one of the most important events of the liturgical year: it is a time of joy, hope and deep reflection on the mystery of our salvation. One of the essential elements of this mystery is the silent presence of Mary, the Mother of the…...

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The two Archangel Mountains

ā€œMichael’s pathā€ is a project aimed at enhancing and promoting the cult of the Archangel in the world, which was born with the aim of aggregating the seven most important places dedicated to the Celestial Prince of the Old Continent, so as to obtain the recognition of Via MicaelicaĀ as a…...

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September celebrations: between words and images

The month of September holds the precious Feast of Saint Michael and all the Archangels: for the Sanctuary and for the City of Monte Sant’Angelo it takes on an even more significant value since the angelic Prince is celebrated as patron and defender. The liturgical functions and cultural events that…...

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