
From Provence to the Gargano

On the feast day in which the Church celebrates the evangelist Mark and the Italian State commemorates the liberation from Nazifascism, numerous pilgrims have come to the Shrine: families, parish groups, “companies”, coming from local, regional, national and abroad, they gathered in the shadow of the Archangel to celebrate the…...

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Mercy: dilation of the Heart of God

The Second Easter Sunday celebrates the infinite Love of God: it is the Feast of Divine Mercy. It was Jesus himself, appearing in a vision to Sister Faustina Kowalska, to express the desire that there was an occasion in which to meditate on his boundless mercy and from this receive…...

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The leaders of the GdF at the Sanctuary

In the afternoon of April 13, several service cars crowded the square adjacent to the Sanctuary: a thick cordon of security that escorted the arrival of the General Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, Giorgio Toschi. The Head of the Yellow Flames, on the Gargano on the occasion of the…...

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Feast of Mercy

A festival entirely dedicated to the love of God … the one celebrated on the second Sunday of Easter! The Feast of Divine Mercy was established in 1992 by John Paul II. In reality, it was Jesus himself, appearing in a vision to Sister Faustina Kowalska, to express the desire…...

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